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research publications

Jones, A.G., Davidson-Lowe, E., Hermann, S., Hoover, K. & Felton, G.W. (2020). Natural enemy modulation of plant defenses: Mutualism, manipulation, or mistaken identity? Submitted.


Mason, C.J., St. Clair, A., Peiffer, M., Gomez, E., Jones, A.G., Felton, G.W., & Hoover, K. Diet influences proliferation and stability of gut bacterial populations in herbivorous lepidopteran larvae. PLOS ONE, 15(3): e0229848.

Jones, A.G., Hoover, K., Tooker, J., Pearsons, K. & Felton, G.W. (2020). Potential impacts of translocation of neonicotinoid insecticides to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum [Malvales: Malvaceae]) extrafloral nectar on parasitoids. Environmental Entomology, 49(1):159–168.

Mason, C.J., Ray, S. Shikano, I., Peiffer, M. Jones, A.G., Luthe, D.S., Hoover, K. & Felton, G.W. (2019). Plant defenses interact with insect enteric bacteria by initiating a leaky gut syndrome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (32): 15991–5996.

Jones, A.G., Mason, C.J., Felton, G.W. & Hoover, K. (2019). Host plant and population source drive diversity of microbial gut communities in two polyphagous insects. Scientific Reports, 9: 2792.

Mason, C.J., Jones, A.G. & Felton, G.W. (2018). Co-option of microbial associates by insects and their impacts on plant–folivore interactions. Plant, Cell & Environment.

Acevedo, F.E., Peiffer, M., Tan, C.-W., Stanley, B., Stanley, A., Jones, A.G., Hoover, K., Felton, G. (2017). Fall armyworm-associated gut bacteria modulate plant defense responses. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 30 (2): 127-137.


Jones, A.G., Forgie, S.A., Scott, D. J. & Beggs, J.R. (2012). Generalist dung attraction response in a New Zealand dung beetle that evolved with an absence of mammalian herbivores. Ecological Entomology, 37: 124-133.

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